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Retirement Plans Newsletter

August 29, 2024

2 New Job Opportunities 2 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

CRS In Focus: Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Rules for Original Owners of Retirement Accounts

"This In Focus summarizes RMD rules and related recent legislation that affect original account owners of DC accounts and IRAs. This In Focus does not describe distribution rules for individuals who inherit DC accounts or IRAs." [IF12750 Aug. 29, 2024]  MORE >>

Congressional Research Service [CRS]

[Guidance Overview]

IRS Issues Guidance Addressing Matching Contributions on Student Loan Payments

"The guidance ... addresses a number of key plan administration issues to assist plan sponsors that have implemented or intend to implement a QSLP matching contributions feature.... [1] What is a QSLP? ... [2] Design parameters for a QSLP matching contributions feature ... [3] Employee certification requirement ... [4] Administrative procedures for QSLP matching contributions ... [5] ADP nondiscrimination testing relief."  MORE >>

Verrill Dana LLP

[Guidance Overview]

Student Loan Match: Repay Student Loans and Save for Retirement

"The new SECURE 2.0 rule allows for a true match, avoids the nondiscrimination complexities raised with the PLR approach, and provides welcome relief for plan sponsors. The Notice goes far in addressing many administrative issues summarized below to get plan sponsors and recordkeepers started, but more guidance is coming with pending proposed regulations."  MORE >>

Groom Law Group

[Guidance Overview]

DOL Launches Online Filing System for Abandoned and Chapter 7 ERISA Plans (PDF)

"The DOL might not be done modifying the Abandoned Plan Program, as in connection with extending the program to cover plans of entities in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it requested comments on possibly extending the program to cover plans of entities in Chapter 11 bankruptcy or receivership under the FDIC or other applicable federal or state law. "  MORE >>

Thomson Reuters / EBIA

Exceptional Usefulness and Quality icon SECURE 2.0 Implementation: A Unified Approach for Employers, Payroll Providers, and Retirement Recordkeepers (PDF)

"The SPARK Institute recently hosted a pivotal SECURE 2.0 Implementation Workshop at Vanguard, bringing together payroll providers and retirement plan recordkeepers to tackle pressing issues related to the new Roth Catch-up rules and Super Catch-up provisions. This collaborative effort aims to ensure seamless integration and cross-industry coordination between retirement plan recordkeepers and payroll providers, addressing concerns that some employers might have about changes to their plans resulting from new SECURE 2.0 rules."  MORE >>

SPARK Institute

The Time Is Right for Aftertax 401(k) Contributions

"One of the key benefits of aftertax 401(k) contributions is that they are allowable on top of the basic traditional or Roth contributions, making them ideal for heavy savers looking for additional opportunities for tax-advantaged savings. While aftertax contributions aren’t available to everyone with a 401(k), plans that do offer them are increasingly adding features that make it easy to convert those contributions to Roth without leaving the plan."  MORE >>


Government Watchdog Finds IRA Fiduciary Oversight 'Lacking'

"[The GAO] found that fiduciary oversight of [IRAs] and other areas related to retirement investing ... are rife with conflicts of interest that should be addressed by the IRS, in some cases in coordination with the DOL.... [T]he GAO reported conflicts of interest in these areas: [1] Mutual funds that compensate sellers lead to lower average returns.... [2] Conflict-of-interest disclosures are unclear for end investors.... [3] Fiduciary oversight of IRAs from regulators is not strong enough."  MORE >>


ERISA: 50 Years of Shaping the Single-Employer Defined Benefit Landscape (PDF)

24 pages. "DB plans now cover a much smaller portion of the workforce than 50 years ago, with an even smaller proportion of employees in these plans still accruing pension benefits.... [The] change from DB to DC shifts most of the risk related to retirement savings from the employer to the employee, which has resulted in a lower percentage of employees having access to secure lifetime income. This paper discusses ERISA's impact, focusing specifically on single-employer plans."  MORE >>

American Academy of Actuaries

Changes in Access to Retirement Benefits, 2010-23

"In March 2023, 70 percent of workers in private industry had access to a retirement plan and 53 percent were participating in a plan.... In 2010, 20 percent of private industry workers had access to a defined benefit plan. By 2023, it dropped to 15 percent. Conversely, 59 percent of private industry workers had access to a defined contribution plan in 2010. By 2023, it grew to 67 percent."  MORE >>

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS]

Is the Retirement Picture for Millennials Looking Better?

"Millennials started their careers in weak labor markets, so initially they lagged behind Late Boomers and Gen Xers at the same ages in life events and wealth.... [D]ata for 2022 show a big reversal: Millennials had caught up on most indicators, and they surpassed earlier cohorts in wealth accumulation. The main reason was a huge runup in housing wealth, which soared during COVID, but gains in financial wealth also boosted balance sheets."  MORE >>

Center for Retirement Research [CRR] at Boston College

The Evolving Needs of the Multigenerational American Workforce (PDF)

"3 in 4 employers say workers' financial stress negatively impacts operations ... 1 in 4 think more benefits can enhance a person's financial security ... 52% offer retirement match, up from 46% in 2023 ... 3 hours per week is how long American workers spend worrying about their personal finances at work ... 3 in 5 say they are living paycheck to paycheck. This sentiment is highest with Gen Z and Millennials ... 1 in 3 workers have used a financial planner in the last three years."  MORE >>


Why Held-Away Asset Management Technology Is Being Scrutinized by Regulators

"[D]espite the current regulatory friction around held-away asset management, the most sensible path forward does involve some role for technology to manage clients' 401(k) accounts -- albeit with more communication between technology providers, financial institutions, regulators, and advisors to build a system that addresses the concerns of each."  MORE >>

Nerd's Eye View

Benefits in General

1 in 4 Companies Have Reduced Current Employees' Salaries; Half Have Cut Benefits

"The most common changes to employee benefits include reduced paid time off (PTO)/vacation days (23%), decreased or removed stock options/equity grants (21%), and reduced or eliminated meal allowances (20%). Additionally, companies have reduced or stopped 401k matching (19%), employee wellness programs (19%), health care benefits (16%), and parental leave benefits (15%)."  MORE >>


Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans

Change-In-Control Severance and Elon Musk: Why You Need a Springing Rabbi Trust

"[A] target company's executives cannot always be confident that a future buyer will honor (or not dispute) the post-closing payment of severance and other deferred benefits.... [T]he most notable characteristic of a rabbi trust may be its inability to protect executives against the employer's bankruptcy or technical insolvency.... Severance protection can ... be invaluable for an executive if significant severance, deferred compensation, or supplemental retirement benefits are not scheduled to be paid coincidentally with the executive's termination of employment."  MORE >>

The Wagner Law Group

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Pension Plan Administrator for The Angell Pension Group, Inc.

Pension Plan Administrator

The Angell Pension Group, Inc.


View job as Pension Plan Administrator for The Angell Pension Group, Inc.
View job as Employee Benefits Manager for Massachusetts Teacher Association

Employee Benefits Manager

Massachusetts Teacher Association

Quincy MA

Selected New Discussions

Any Weekend Extension for Cycle 3 Restatement Deadline of Sunday July 31, 2022?

"We have a client who signed the Cycle 3 plan restatement document on Monday, August 1, 2022. Is this late, or did we get a weekend extension in this case?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

QDRO Allocation of Cost of QJSA in ERISA Qualified Plan

"In an ERISA Qualified Plan the Participant retired during the marriage of the parties and elected a 50% QJSA for his then current wife as he was required to do by law by Federal law.... Now, 6 years later, cometh the divorce, and the Participant wants his now ex-wife, the Alternate Payee, to pay the cost of the QJSA election, that is, the actuarially deduction from his retirement annuity to fund the survivor annuity and achieve actuarial equivalence pursuant to ERISA ... Problem 1: the Plan Administrators, like most Plan Administrators I have dealt with, have refused to allocate the cost to the ex-wife and to deduct that cost from the ex-wife's share of the retirement annuity. Problem 2: I cannot find any authority to confirm that ERISA permits the parties to agree, on the courts to compel, the cost of the survivor annuity to be paid by an Alternate Payee. The sections of ERISA require the Participant to elect a QJSA, but is silent about the 'cost'. Any ideas?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Automatic Enrollment in 2025

"Suppose you have a plan that doesn't qualify for any of the exceptions, so the SECURE auto-enrollment provisions apply. Plan is an ACA, but not an EACA, so will have to be amended to be an EACA, SECURE provisions, etc., etc. If the participant already has an election in place, can this be 'carried over' under the updated SECURE plan provisions? Would your answer change if the election in place is LESS THAN the minimum 3%?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Pension Plans and Total Rewards Statements

"Plan sponsor is preparing a total rewards statement showing what the employee's pay and benefits sum up to and doesn't know what to put down under the Pension plan line. Doesn't seem to make sense to put their accrued monthly benefit. I'm curious what other plan sponsors do? Put down the value of the accrued benefit earned in the year? put down the present value of the accrued benefit earned during the year paid as a benefit at normal retirement age?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Blank Rome Welcomes Benefits & Executive Compensation Associate Stephen M. Pennartz in Philadelphia

Blank Rome LLP

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Celebrating 50 Years of ERISA: An Interview With Phyllis Borzi

August 29, 2024 WEBINAR

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans [IFEBP]

Looking Under the Hood of Stable Value Investments

September 19, 2024 WEBINAR


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Final Warning: Distributions to Beneficiaries Must Begin in 2025

Bricker Graydon

Post-Chevron World: Employee Benefits Cases and Areas of Law to Watch

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Form 5500 Changes: DOL Final Rule Updates


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