4 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of Instructions for IRS Form 4461-A: Application for Approval of Standardized or Nonstandardized Pre-Approved Defined Benefit Plan (PDF)
Rev. Aug. 30, 2024. "A provider or mass submitter of a pre-approved defined benefit plan may file a Form 4461-A.... As of September 3, 2024, Form 4461-A applications must be submitted electronically through Pay.gov." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Retirement Saving, Pensions, and ERISA at 50: Where Do We Go From Here?
Complimentary webinar Sept. 18. Mark Iwry will share his perspective on current and future developments and proposed reforms to strengthen the retirement system. For nearly three decades, Mark has fervently worked to craft national policies and develop innovative retirement solutions.
[Guidance Overview]
Considerations for Determining Whether a Cyber Incident Is Material
"In late June, the staff of the [SEC's] Division of Corporation Finance released five new compliance and disclosure
interpretations regarding the disclosure of material cybersecurity incidents ... The staff makes one underlying theme clear throughout this guidance: No single factor is determinative of whether a cybersecurity incident is material. Once a cybersecurity incident is determined to be material, however, it must be reported within four business days after the company determines that it has experienced a material cybersecurity
incident." MORE >>
Troutman Pepper
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0: Roth Employer Contributions
"[A] new SECURE 2.0 provision allows Plan Sponsors to permit participants who are 100% vested in their employer contributions to elect to have these contributions also treated as Roth.... There may be special considerations for these types of Roth amounts, however, not the least
of which is the fact that tax withholding does not apply to the reclassified employer contributions.... [It] may take some time for service providers to upgrade their systems to enable Plan Sponsors and participants to take advantage of Roth employer contributions." MORE >>
Ferenczy Benefits Law Center
[Guidance Overview]
The Definitive Guide to the Saver's Match
"This webpage provides a definitive guide to the Saver's Match program, which will replace the Saver's Credit effective for tax years following December 31, 2026. For qualified retirement savers, the Saver's Match will provide a federal matching contribution up
to 50% of the first $2,000 of annual workplace retirement plan or IRA contributions per individual, for a maximum matching contribution of $1,000 per tax year." MORE >>
Retirement Clearinghouse
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0 May Impact How Businesses Complete Forms W-2
"The fact sheet notes that provisions potentially affecting Forms W-2 include ... [1] De minimis financial
incentives ... [2] Roth Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) and Roth Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) ... [3] Optional treatment of employer nonelective or matching contributions as Roth contributions." MORE >>
What Every Fiduciary Should Know About Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts
"[1] What are the fiduciary responsibilities in picking the investment options offered within a SDBA? ... [2] Should plan fiduciaries request performance and investment data about the participants' SDBAs? Could a plan fiduciary's review of performance data
subject them to litigation if the SDBA investments selected by the participant perform poorly? ... [3] Does providing access to investment advisers to assist with the participant's investments in a SDBA expose plan fiduciaries to additional liability? ... [4] Are fiduciaries required to educate participants before offering SDBAs to participants? ... [5] Can a sponsor reduce its liability by discussing the
risks of SDBAs with participants?" MORE >>
Groom Law Group, for Charles Schwab
Self-Directed Brokerage in Retirement Plans: Fiduciary Considerations
"[T]he brokerage services provider selected to provide the brokerage window is considered a service provider to the plan.... [P]lan fiduciaries making the selection must act prudently and solely in the interest of the plan participants and beneficiaries, both in making the
selection and in continuing such selection. Plan fiduciary considerations include selecting the brokerage provider, assessing the fees and compensation, and deciding whether to implement a plan-specific setup or investment parameters." MORE >>
National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators [NAGDCA]
How to Select a Retirement Plan Consultant
"Understanding the role of a retirement plan consultant ... Why you need a retirement plan consultant ... Key qualifications to look for in a consultant ... Researching potential consultants ... Evaluating the consultant's experience and expertise ...
Assessing compatibility and communications ... Understanding fees and costs ... Checking compliance and regulatory history ... Making the final decision ... Establishing a working relationship." MORE >>
HUB International
Annuity Uptake Among 401(k) Savers Tests ERISA’s Limits at 50
"Bringing more annuities squarely under the purview of ERISA, which imposes a high legal standard of fiduciary duty on plan sponsors, has been an uneven process to address concerns about the viability and reliability of the insurance products.... [T]he SECURE Act in 2019 updated
safe harbor requirements for defined contribution plans to offer annuity options, allowing them to rely on written compliance representations from insurers. But the law didn't limit those options ... After SECURE and SECURE 2.0 there may still be opportunities to renovate the retirement standard to accommodate workers' calls for more annuity options." MORE >>
Bloomberg Law
Saver’s Match Estimator
"The Saver's Match Estimator is designed to give an individual retirement savers an approximation of the size of a federal matching contribution they could receive under the new Saver's Match program, set to go live in 2027. Eligible savers can qualify for a federal
matching contribution based on their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), tax filing status and tax year contributions to a retirement savings account." MORE >>
Retirement Clearinghouse
Fearmongering Over Retirement 'Ruin' Misses the Point
"Though it is important for retirement industry professionals to confront the possibility that their clients could run short of money during life after work, it's equally important for them to assuage overblown fears that can lead to unneeded sacrifices in one's standard
of living." MORE >>
Is the Annuity Industry Serving a Second Round of Annuity Misrepresentations Kool-Aid?
"[T]he Fifth Circuit ignored the DOL's accurate and logical arguments and analysis, choosing to protect the annuity industry over protecting plans and plan participants by issuing a stay of the DOL Rule based upon the Court's opinion that the industry is virtually certain
to succeed on the merits. [It] could legitimately be argued that Judge Lynn's opinion more accurately reflects the current situations and concerns that caused the DOL to create the Retirement Security Rule in the first place.." MORE >>
The Prudent Investment Adviser Rules
Benefits in General |
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Approves New Flexible Choice Plan Design
"The IRS has just released a private letter ruling (PLR
202434006) ... that allows eligible employees to make an annual election before the start of each year to direct [the employer contribution] to be ... [1] Contributed to the employee's defined contribution plan account as an employer contribution; [2] Contributed to the employee's [HSA], subject to the regular HSA statutory limits; [3] Used for the employee's student loan reimbursements through
an educational assistance plan ... [4] Contributed to a retiree [HRA]. Employees would not have the right to receive the employer funds in cash or as any other taxable benefit." MORE >>
Willis Towers Watson
Employee Benefits Jobs
Selected New Discussions |
Employer Contribution Credit - Owners Only Plan
"It seems to me that if a business owner has no employees and has less than $100,000 of compensation they would be eligible for the employer contribution credit. The admin expense credit would not be available because the cap is based on the number of NHCEs and in this example
there are zero. But the only restriction on the employer contribution credit is the 100k of comp limit. Thoughts?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Not Stopping Match/SH When Comp Goes Over Limit
"Is there specific guidance anywhere that says Employers should not stop payroll matches when the employee reaches the max compensation during the year? For example, plan matches dollar for dollar. I don't see why the Employer should stop (testing reasons notwithstanding).
Or, maybe someone started deferring in March with a 50% of deferrals no more than 6% of comp (for a cap of $10,350 on $345,000 in comp). They hit $345k in September, but hasn't hit that match cap yet. We know they are supposed to keep going until they hit a cap, but is there anywhere that says it outright?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
MEP Testing Question: First Year with NHCE in Participating Employer
"We have a multiple employer plan with two companies, Company A and Company B. Company B is a participating employer in the Plan sponsored by Company A and the document says ADP/ACP testing is using prior year method. Company B came into existence in
2022, with only one employee who was classified as an HCE. In 2023, Company now has 2 employees, the one HCE and now one NHCE who transferred over from Company A and was previously eligible under Company A. The document counts past service between the two Companies. What is the prior year deferral percentage for the NHCE when testing for 2023 in Company B? 0% or 3% since it is the first year Company B has NHCE employees?
Can Company B elect to change to current year testing or must both Company A and B move to current year testing?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Exemption from Auto Enroll in Non-Profit 401(k) Plan
"We have a non-profit church that wants to start a 401k plan. They will have more than 10 employees. Are they required to have auto enrollment starting in 2025? There is an exception for 'church' plans. This is a plan with a church as the plan sponsor. I do not think that
these carry the same meaning and that this 401k plan will need to offer auto enrollment."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
New HealthEquity Partnership Enhances Employee Access to Healthcare
President Names Three New Members to PBGC Advisory Committee
PBGC [Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation]
Inspira Financial Acquires Quest Trust Company's Self-Directed IRA Business
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Women in Retirement Conference
January 10, 2024 in SC
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
SECURE 2.0 Emergency Personal Expense and Domestic Violence Distribution Rules
Spencer Fane
DOL Supports Retirees Suing IBM Over Shortchanged Benefits Due to Outdated Mortality Tables
Pensions & Investments
Battle Over/War Isn't: Employer Considerations Now That FTC Non-Compete Ban Is Set Aside
Jackson Lewis P.C.
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