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  1. I am looking to start marketing to local advisors and CPA’s as a referral source. Would anyone be willing to share their marketing materials with me? I am looking for some inspiration. Thanks!!
  2. I am in the process of launching my own TPA firm and looking for best practices on software and/or programs that I should obtain. Any input would be extremely helpful!!
  3. I am in the process of starting a new TPA form and looking for a mentor. Staff will be just me. I have loads of experience on the investment side of the business but administration is new to me. I have a QKA designation and will be obtaining the QKC and QPA. I am looking to find a mentor that I could refer to if I run into issues on the administration side.
  4. I am starting a new TPA firm and wondering if anyone is willing to share some essentials to get started. I am not looking to steal anyone’s clients or information but could use some inspiration in creating my documents. If anyone is willing to share, I am looking for help on the following: Engagement letter/agreement Form letters New client checklists Takeover letters/checklists Year end census collection Administration checklist
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