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Craig Hoffman

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Everything posted by Craig Hoffman

  1. Yes, as I originally thought, something is amiss in Ogden yet again. We are up to 10 at last count. I have been in contact with Kelsey and she is pursuing this with Ogden. We will see what she finds out.
  2. . A qualified individual is defined as a person who: · Had his or her principal residence in the qualified disaster area during the disaster incident period; and · Sustained an economic loss by reason of the qualified disaster. A qualified disaster is defined as one that has been declared as a major disaster by the President of the United States under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act after December 27, 2020. The IRS recommends using the search tool on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website to determine whether an event has been declared a major disaster and the specific area affected.[1] In addition, the FEMA website will also set forth the incident period during which the disaster occurred. [1] FEMA Disasters Search Tool, available at https://www.fema.gov/disaster/declarations From an article I wrote for a Nova newsletter.
  3. Here is my concern. The letters we received were all dated 9/23 and were received by clients late last week. That was after your survey. I am trying to determine if more of these are now surfacing.
  4. Hello all, I have been a lurker for many years but have finally signed up to comment. I think this is a more widespread problem. We have 4 plans (so far) that received the letter denying the extension. All were dated 9/23/24. We have Fed Ex tracking data to verify they were all delivered to Ogden on 7/31 so we can deal with it if need be. However, from my days at ASPPA, I believe this sounds more like something is amiss in Utah. I am wondering if anyone besides HarleyBabe and our firm has begun receiving the denial letters. If so, it may be necessary to have a conversation with EPEO folks. Craig
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