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Governmental plan answer book

Guest David G

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I am on Panel Publishers mailing list and I have not seen an "Answer Book" dealing with Government plans of any kind. However, assuming your question is about pension plans, in 1988 the GFOA published a handbook written by Joseph Metz called The Federal Taxation of Public Employee Retirement Systems -A Handbook for Public Officials. I don't know if the book has been kept up to date, but the GFOA may be a good place to start. Let us know if you find an updated book.

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Guest David G

I believe I read somewhere that Carol Calhoun was coauthoring an Answer book for Governmental plans. Perhaps she will be able to let us know if such a book is still planned.

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Yes, Cindie Moore (Washington counsel for the National Council on Teacher Retirement) and I are coauthoring such a book. Still working on getting the last few chapters to the publisher.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest David G


Will you incorporate the new tax law into the first edition of your book or wait to update after the book is initially published?

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It will include information on the new tax bill, although in some instances we may have to do it in the form of a summary at the end of a chapter, rather than being able to fully incorporate it into the chapter itself. (First the new 401(a)(9) rules, now this--is it any wonder it's taking longer than anticipated?) ;)

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  • 7 months later...

For those who have been asking, the Governmental Plans Answer Book is here at last!


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