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February 6, 2024

Here are the most recently added topics on the BenefitsLink® Message Boards

J Simmons created a topic in Health Plans (Including ACA, COBRA, HIPAA)

Offering Full-Cost Health Plan Coverage to New Employees During Eligibility Waiting Period

"Small employer group health policies have, since ACA, been allowed to impose no more than a 90-day waiting period on new employees before they must be offered coverage. 42 U.S.C. 300gg-7. Can a small employer offer coverage in that time frame to a new employee, but it would require the employee to pay all of the premium expense until say 1 or 2 years of employment have passed?"

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thomas.siano created a topic in Relius Administration

Batch Reporting Printer Error 482

"We are using batch reports to run many of our compliance tests, combine into a single pdf, and store on our network. We have done so successfully for several years without any issues. Recently, the job started failing and we are receiving a '482 Printer Error.' I was able to narrow down the issue to the default printer being assigned by the batch. When I change the default printer to Adobe PDF, the job runs successfully and will run successfully for all users the remainder of the day. The next day, the same issue presents itself. The parameter file for the batch has been saved to our STP folder. Other times, it does not allow me to change the default. I make the change in print setup, but when I go back in, the wrong default is once again set. Is there another way I should be defaulting the job's printer so it does not change?"

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Jakyasar created a topic in Retirement Plans in General

Add a PS Plan for 2023 to an Existing 401(k) Plan with EACA

"Looking at a takeover and a combo plan design. Existing plan has deferrals, basic match, EACA and PS. PS is comp-to-comp with last day rule but no hour requirement so not a good option for combo plans. I was asked to look into a possible 2023 CB plan addition. Is it possible to add a new PS only plan and not utilize the existing plan's PS provisions? Also, as I never worked with EACA, does it affect any combo designs?"

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PS created a topic in Plan Terminations

1099s After Plan Termination

"I assisted with one of the plan termination and the sponsor as reached out asking for 1099s to the people that switched employers but stayed with us. I'm not really what this means, why would we send a 1099S? I believe 1099s was more with self-employment however could anyone help me understand when a 1099s is sent?"

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rblum50 created a topic in Distributions and Loans, Other than QDROs

Loan Repayment Window for Terminated Employee

"A client of mine had an employee who requested a loan which was approved for $20,000 The employee received and cashed the check a couple of days after being fired. It is unlikely that the employee could afford to repay the loan to the plan, but, if he could afford it, is there a period of time during which he could repay the loan?"

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AmyETPA created a topic in Retirement Plans in General

How to Correct Fees Paid from Participant Accounts Contrary to Plan Sponsor Intent

"Plan switched investment platforms and during the switch the way fees were paid got changed. The client usually pays the fees directly from the company not the participant accounts but when it moved it got set up to pay from participant accounts. This has been going on for about 4-5 months. Client realizes this and wants to fix but platform says you signed the form, it's not a mistake so we can't reverse this. Client wants to find a way to rectify this mistake. Any suggestions? It involves about $3000, averages about $50-$100 per person."

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