The BenefitsLink Newsletter -
Retirement Plans Edition December 6, 2000 Today's sponsor is (click on banner for more information) Can calendar year 401(k) plan be made "safe harbor" by distributing notices now and amending later? Interesting discussion on our message boards. Join in! ( Syllabus for Retirement Plans Course Excerpt: "My primary objective in teaching this course is to provide the students with a working knowledge required to function as a practitioner in this field." (Jack L. VanDerhei, Ph.D., CEBS, of Temple University) DOL Sues Small Employer for Failure to Purchase and Maintain a Fidelity Bond Excerpt: "At various times during the plan�s five-year existence, there have been as many as 44 plan participants and assets of $241,651. Most recently, the plan had 14 plan participants and $44,535 in assets as of Nov. 28, 2000." (U.S. Department of Labor press release) Putting Enough Away for Retirement Excerpt: "Most Americans are indeed saving. They've heard time and time again how important it is to take advantage of their company plan and to do some saving on their own, because Social Security alone won't be enough for the big day. But many investors are saving haphazardly without a plan, according to Don Blandin, president of the American Savings Education Council (ASEC)." ( (Following also appears in Welfare Plans Edition) DOL Issues Final Rule on SPD Content Requirements Excerpt: "There are no big surprises in the final rule, as it largely adopts the changes set forth in the DOL's proposed rule issued on September 8, 1998. The final rule's primary focus is on SPD requirements pertaining to group health plans, although the rule also identifies and clarifies SPD requirements for pension and other welfare benefit plans." (Groom Law Group)
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