BenefitsLink Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
[Guidance Overview]
Denial of Federal Benefits for Same-S.ex Couple Ruled Unlawful
"According to a statement from Stoel Rives LLP, which represented the plaintiff, [the Judge of the U.S. District Court] agreed with [the argument that if either] partner were ma.le, not female, 'Fonberg's compensation would include insurance benefits for her partner.'"
6th Annual Obesity and Wellness Congress [Advert.]
Convening providers, payers, employers and public purchasers, the 6th Annual Obesity and Wellness Congress will discuss preventative and collaborative solutions to reverse the nationwide epidemic of obesity.
Another State Attempts End-Run Around ERISA Preemption (PDF)
See page 6. 'Michigan is looking to impose a 1 percent tax on insured and self-insured claims paid to providers in the state for healthcare services supplied to Michigan residents, becoming the latest among several states looking to raise revenue on the backs of group plan sponsors."
(Lockton, Inc.)
Access to Benefits in Private Industry, March 2011
"Paid leave benefits continued to be the most widely available benefit offered by employers, with paid vacations available to 77 percent of all workers in private industry, and 91 percent of full-time private industry workers."
(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Benefits in General; Executive Compensation
Home Equity in Retirement
"Retired homeowners dissave more slowly than renters, which suggests that homeownership affects retirees' saving decisions. We investigate empirically and theoretically the life-cycle patterns of housing and total assets in retirement."
(Social Science Research Network)
ESOP and 401(k) Plan Employer Stock Litigation Review 1990-2011
This publication categorizes decisions in ESOP and 401(k) company stock cases from 1990 through mid-2011 and provides brief summaries for the ESOP-related decisions and, starting in 2010, most 401(k) cases. Over 300 decisions are included, including 23 new ESOP cases and 34 401(k) cases added since the 2010 edition.
(National Center for Employee Ownership)
Press Releases
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Jeanette Hull, News Editor
David Rhett Baker, J.D., Editor and Publisher
Lois Baker, J.D., President
Holly Horton, Business Manager
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