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[Guidance Overview]
HHS Issues Rules on DB Pension Costs for Medicare Wage Index
"[U]nder the final policy, the pension cost to be included in the Medicare wage index equals a hospital's average cash contributions deposited to its defined benefit pension plan over a three-year period, or number of years that the hospital has sponsored a defined benefit plan if less than three years."
[Guidance Overview]
New Connecticut Law Mandating Paid Sick Leave
"A new Connecticut law, which will become effective on January 1, 2012, requires a certain amount of paid sick leave for many Connecticut employees. This historic law makes Connecticut the first state to require employers to provide paid sick leave to their employees."
(Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart PC)
U.S. Employers Expand Health Benefits Coverage Under Reform
"The federal healthcare law allows young adults up to age 26 to stay on their parents' health plans. As a result, employers say they have seen an average 2% increase in insurance enrollments, with some saying the figure has jumped by 5% or more, according to the survey by the benefits consulting firm Mercer."
(Los Angeles Times)
GAO Report: Private Health Insurance: State Oversight of Premium Rates
"GAO found that oversight of health insurance premium rates—primarily reviewing and approving or disapproving rate filings submitted by carriers—varied across states in 2010. While nearly all—48 out of 50—of the state officials who responded to GAO's survey reported that they reviewed rate filings in 2010, the practices reported by state insurance officials varied in terms of the timing of rate filing reviews, the information considered in reviews, and opportunities for consumer involvement in rate reviews."
(U.S. Government Accountability Office)
Benefits in General; Executive Compensation
Senators Introduce Bill to End Stock Option Tax Break
"A . . . press release said the Ending Excessive Corporate Deductions for Stock Options Act, S. 1375, would end excessive corporate tax deductions for stock options by requiring such deductions not to exceed the expense shown on corporate financial reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission."
12-Month Private Industry Compensation Costs, June 2011
"Compensation costs for private industry workers increased 2.3 percent for the 12-month period ending June 2011, compared to the 1.9-percent increase for the 12-month period ending June 2010."
(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Did the Housing Boom Increase Household Spending?
"The brief's key findings are: Regional variations in U.S. house prices provided a natural experiment to test how price changes influence household spending. Households age 51 and over who saw rapid growth in house prices increased their spending on non-durables (e.g., meals out, vacations, and entertainment). The annual increase was modest but, if sustained over time, could be substantial. Interestingly, when house prices fell, households did not appear to tighten their belts."
(Center for Retirement Research at Boston College)
Press Releases
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