BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter
Advance Your Career with ASPPA this Fall [Advert.]
Whether working towards an ASPPA credential or just growing knowledge in specific areas, ASPPA exams offer CPE credits (valid for ASPPA, JBEA and ERPA). Proctored exam window is open November 1 to December 14 - register early and have time to prepare.
[Guidance Overview]
Waiver of 60-Day Rollover Requirement Granted to Fix Unsuccessful Transfer of IRA Funds
"The IRS determined that the information and documentation submitted by the taxpayers were consistent with their assertion that their failure to make a timely rollover was caused by incorrect advice from their financial adviser. Therefore, the IRS waived the 60-day rollover requirement for the distributions from the IRAs and granted the taxpayers 60 days from the issuance of the letter ruling to contribute their funds to a rollover IRA."
(Wolters Kluwer Law & Business / CCH)
[Guidance Overview]
Cross-Tested Plan Design
"A plan may not use the following contributions in satisfying the minimum gateway contribution requirement: Deferrals; Matching contributions (including safe harbor contributions); After-tax employee contributions."
(SunGard Relius)
[Guidance Overview]
Are You Ready for DOL Service Provider Disclosure Requirements?
"[A]lthough service providers are tasked with developing the required disclosures, plan sponsors face fiduciary liability for ensuring they are received, reviewing them, and ensuring that their arrangements with providers are reasonable."
Study Shows DC Plans Would Cost Texas Taxpayers More
"The [study] calculated the costs of achieving a target retirement benefit for employees and expresses this cost as a level percent of payroll over a person's career in the public sector. The defined benefit plans cost about 40% less than 401(k)-type plans would cost."
Direct Real Estate for DC Plans Seen as Growing Business (PDF)
"Rather than creating a stand-alone direct real estate investment option, these managers are aiming to persuade plan executives and target-date fund managers to replace their REIT-only allocations with a direct real estate strategy in their target-date or asset-allocation funds."
(Pensions & Investments via Callan Associates Inc.)
Multiple Employer Plans: An Alternative for Retirement Plan Sponsors
"An MEP (not to be confused with a multiemployer, or Taft Hartley, plan) is a retirement plan established by one plan sponsor that is then adopted by one or more participating employers. When an employer merges its current single-employer plan into a properly structured MEP, the role of plan sponsor then transfers from the adopting employer to the plan sponsor of the MEP."
Boomer Retirement Could Be a Factor Holding Down Equity Valuations Over the Next Two Decades (PDF)
"The baby boom generation born between 1946 and 1964 has had a large impact on the U.S. economy and will continue to do so as baby boomers gradually phase from work into retirement over the next two decades. To finance retirement, they are likely to sell off acquired assets, especially risky equities. A looming concern is that this massive sell-off might depress equity values."
(Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
U.S. Cities Strangled by Cost of Ballooning Pensions
"After the city of Beverly Hills was forced to provide the 'total cost to the city' for each employee as a result of three California Public Records Act demands and the threat of litigation by the Courier, the published reports kicked off a public firestorm."
(FOX News Network, LLC)
Benefits in General; Executive Compensation
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