Defined Contribution MEP Account Manager Nova 401(k) Associates
Sentinel Group
Retirement Plan Compliance Analyst FuturePlan, by Ascensus
Qualified Retirement Plan Reviewer Nova 401(k) Associates
The Angell Pension Group, Inc.
Defined Contribution Consultant Loren D. Stark Company
401k & Defined Contribution Plan Consultant Planned Retirement Consultant & Administrators, LLC
Division Vice President, Western Region - Retirement Sales Ascensus
Head of Money Out Operations (Retirement Industry) Ascensus
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Report of the 1997 Working Group on Employer Assets in ERISA Employer-Sponsored Plans
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor [DOL] Dec. 15, 1997 "The working group's objective was to address the concern that some defined contribution plans may be invested in an undue concentration of plan sponsor assets.... The Work Group unanimously recommends that [with respect to publically traded securities], at a minimum, the ESOP diversification rules be extended to all participants in defined contribution plans (except ESOPs).... The Work Group unanimously recommends a limit on the investment of defined contribution assets in non-publically traded employer securities equal to ten percent of the market value of plan assets or that the plan follow the ESOP rules with respect to employer securities." [Prepared for the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration by members of the Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefits Plans.] |
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