BenefitsLink Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
[Guidance Overview]
Provision in Asset Purchase Agreement Amends Plan and Survives Bankrup.tcy
"While this case doesn't break much new legal ground on the minimum requirements for plan amendments, the bankrup.tcy element adds an interesting twist. The case also serves as a helpful reminder that plan sponsors should exercise caution when undertaking benefit obligations in writing, whatever the form."
(Thomson Reuters/EBIA)
Health & Welfare Benefit Plans National Institute, Washington, DC [Advert.]
Learn the latest on PPACA, HITECH, Wellness Programs, benefits for same s.ex spouses and health and welfare benefits litigation. Sessions include practical breakouts, two ethics topics, lively updates on legislative, regulatory and other developments.
Health Insurance Mandates in the States, 2010 (PDF)
"[This report] is published along with three other related reports and should be reviewed in their entirety in order to gain a complete picture of the mandated benefit and provider chart. The total mandate count for the 2010 edition is 2,156 up from 2,133 in the 2009 edition."
(Council for Affordable Health Insurance)
Can a Small Business Insurance Marketplace Take Root in Florida?
"Florida Health Choices was created in 2008 by the state legislature—with the idea of promoting competition and transparency in the health insurance market to bring prices down for small businesses. But it is still not operational. It was set to open this past summer, but has been delayed as it continues to try to recruit health insurance companies to sign up and offer their products."
(The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation)
Amex Equalizes Health Costs for G.ay Employees
"The movement to reimburse g.ay employees for the extra taxes they must pay has gained momentum in recent weeks: American Express joins Morgan Stanley and Bank of America, which also recently announced that they would adopt the policy."
(The New York Times; free registration required)
Benefits in General; Executive Compensation
IRS Guidance on Federal Income Tax Returns for Registered Domestic Partners in Community Property States
"The IRS released a set of Questions and Answers to supplement Publication 555 Community Property regarding the preparation of Federal income tax returns for same-s.ex spouses in California and registered domestic partners in California, Nevada and Washington. The Q&As address various topics, including head of household status, claiming children as dependents and claiming adoption credits."
(Deloitte via BenefitsLink.com)
Press Releases
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